June 22, 2020 9:22 pm
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With COVID-19 forcing people to cancel or reschedule their events, plans are changing left and right. The good news is that the pandemic won’t last forever—and you can book or rebook your caterer well in advance. Karsh’s Catering in Fresno, CA is accepting bookings for future events, so why not get your reservation in for your celebration, conference or other get-together? When booking a caterer, it’s best to select and book them as far in advance as possible, so you can guarantee they’ll be available. While many caterers can and do pull off major events on short notice, it’s much... View Article
May 19, 2020 10:23 pm
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Planning big events can be tricky, and one of the most important things to consider is timing. This is particularly important when planning a wedding, but any large event usually requires advance notice to ensure availability and to confirm any important menus or details. On the other hand, catering companies can and often do cater large events on just a few weeks’ notice, but this can include rush fees and might not allow for the exact menus and services you desire. In general, it’s always better to plan ahead and book your caterer well in advance. Here are our best... View Article
April 20, 2020 10:35 pm
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California is currently under a shelter-in-place order, requiring that residents stay at home except for when they need to handle essential business, like grocery shopping, picking up food to go and getting some outdoor exercise. This means that most events and workplaces are shut down until the COVID-19 pandemic is contained. Fortunately, you can still book catering for future events in Fresno, CA. Karsh’s Catering is now accepting booking requests for future events. If all goes well, we could see the order lifted in a matter of weeks—book your events, luncheons and other catering needs now to beat the rush!... View Article
March 23, 2020 8:57 pm
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When you need food for an event, you turn to a caterer—but have you investigated whether or not your caterer has a license? Anyone can provide catering in Fresno, CA, but if they’re not licensed to handle food safely, you may be risking your health. Even if it’s cheaper to go with an unlicensed caterer initially, the potential for foodborne illness is too risky. Why caterers need a license The California Department of Public Health, along with local municipalities, regulates who can be licensed as a caterer. They must have access to an approved kitchen facility, which is then verified... View Article
November 25, 2019 9:27 pm
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Should I get a six-pound turkey, or a 10-pound bird? How many desserts do I need? Where can I find the unusual ingredients for Great Aunt Betty’s family-favorite stuffing? As your head spins with holiday meal preparations, you might want to consider a stress-free alternative: catering in Fresno, CA. No, this isn’t a cop-out for the holidays. It’s quite the opposite—catering in Fresno, CA can enhance your holiday meal and your entire holiday experience. Here’s how. Impress with the best Even if your own culinary skills are top shelf, it’s hard to beat a professionally catered meal. The caterer will... View Article